Mission Statement
To praise and worship God, to foster faith in Jesus Christ for the purpose of serving all people.
Member Information: Those who make a public confession of faith in Jesus Christ and are baptized into the newness of life He provides have completed the requirements for membership in this body. If those wishing to join us in membership have been baptized in another church/denomination they are considered to have completed this requirement and may simply make a reaffirmation of their faith before the congregation on Sunday morning. |
Our congregation is unique in that it offers blended worship, creative and innovative fellowship, mission and worship opportunities for this community.
Church Officers ELDERS
Co-Chairman Jon West Donna Beamer
Vice-Chair K.J. Ullfers Ed & Joyce Dart
Clerk Julie Verbeck Jon & Nancey West
Financial Secretary Myra Ullfers KJ & Myra Ullfers
Treasurer Doris Westfall Julie Verbeck
Agent of Record: Ed Dart Doris Westfall
Church Trustees: K.j. Ullfers, Jon West, Ed Dart
Donna Beamer
Joyce & Ed Dart
Mike & Sheryl Kizer
K.J. & Myra Ullfers
Nancey & Jon West
Earl & Judy Hunt
Barbra Tarramt Grace Johnson
Steve Tarramt Colene Macklin
Lavon Gabrielsen Doris Westfall
Ron Van Vleet Lanny Chisholm
Peg Vorderstrasse Solana Sanchez
Tina Morgan